-- Using default output directory /home/gwhite/l4s-wifi-ns3/build -- Proceeding without cmake-format -- find_external_library: SQLite3 was not found. Missing headers: "sqlite3.h" and missing libraries: "sqlite3". -- SQLite was not found -- Eigen was not found -- Harfbuzz is required by GTK3 and was not found. -- LibXML2 was not found. Continuing without it. -- Visualizer: Python Bindings are disabled -- Could NOT find Boost (missing: Boost_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) -- GSL was not found. Continuing without it. -- docs: doxygen documentation not enabled due to missing dependencies: doxygen dot dia -- Failed to locate sphinx-build executable (missing: SPHINX_EXECUTABLE) -- docs: sphinx documentation not enabled due to missing dependencies: Sphinx epstopdf pdflatex latexmk convert dvipng -- Precompiled headers were enabled -- Processing src/antenna -- Processing src/aodv -- Processing src/applications -- Processing src/bridge -- Processing src/brite -- find_external_library: brite was not found. Missing headers: "Brite.h" and missing libraries: "brite". -- Skipping src/brite -- Processing src/buildings -- Processing src/click -- find_external_library: click was not found. Missing headers: "simclick.h" and missing libraries: "nsclick click". -- Skipping src/click -- Processing src/config-store -- Processing src/core -- Boost Units are an optional feature of length.cc. Ubuntu ships it within the libboost-dev package. You may need to clean up the CMake cache after installing it to pass this check. -- Processing src/csma -- Processing src/csma-layout -- Processing src/dsdv -- Processing src/dsr -- Processing src/energy -- Processing src/fd-net-device -- Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) -- Processing src/flow-monitor -- Processing src/internet -- Processing src/internet-apps -- Processing src/lr-wpan -- Processing src/lte -- Processing src/mesh -- Processing src/mobility -- Processing src/netanim -- Processing src/network -- Processing src/nix-vector-routing -- Processing src/olsr -- Processing src/openflow -- find_external_library: openflow was not found. Missing headers: "openflow.h" and missing libraries: "openflow". -- Skipping src/openflow -- Processing src/point-to-point -- Processing src/point-to-point-layout -- Processing src/propagation -- Processing src/sixlowpan -- Processing src/spectrum -- Processing src/stats -- Processing src/tap-bridge -- Processing src/topology-read -- Processing src/traffic-control -- Processing src/uan -- Processing src/virtual-net-device -- Processing src/wifi -- Processing src/wimax -- ---- Summary of ns-3 settings: Build profile : optimized Build directory : /home/gwhite/l4s-wifi-ns3/build Build with runtime asserts : OFF (not requested) Build with runtime logging : OFF (not requested) Build version embedding : OFF (not requested) BRITE Integration : OFF (missing dependency) DES Metrics event collection : OFF (not requested) DPDK NetDevice : OFF (not requested) Emulation FdNetDevice : ON Examples : OFF (not requested) File descriptor NetDevice : ON GNU Scientific Library (GSL) : OFF (missing dependency) GtkConfigStore : OFF (missing dependency) LibXml2 support : OFF (missing dependency) MPI Support : OFF (not requested) ns-3 Click Integration : OFF (missing dependency) ns-3 OpenFlow Integration : OFF (missing dependency) Netmap emulation FdNetDevice : OFF (missing dependency) PyViz visualizer : OFF (Python Bindings are disabled) Python Bindings : OFF (not requested) SQLite support : OFF (missing dependency) Eigen3 support : OFF (missing dependency) Tap Bridge : ON Tap FdNetDevice : ON Tests : OFF (not requested) Modules configured to be built: antenna aodv applications bridge buildings config-store core csma csma-layout dsdv dsr energy fd-net-device flow-monitor internet internet-apps lr-wpan lte mesh mobility netanim network nix-vector-routing olsr point-to-point point-to-point-layout propagation sixlowpan spectrum stats tap-bridge topology-read traffic-control uan virtual-net-device wifi wimax Modules that cannot be built: brite click mpi openflow test visualizer -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/gwhite/l4s-wifi-ns3/cmake-cache Finished executing the following commands: cd cmake-cache; /usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -DNS3_ASSERT=OFF -DNS3_LOG=OFF -DNS3_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=OFF -DNS3_NATIVE_OPTIMIZATIONS=ON .. ; cd .. [0/2] Re-checking globbed directories... ninja: no work to do. Finished executing the following commands: cd cmake-cache; /usr/bin/cmake --build . -j 31 ; cd ..